Januaray Blog Post

Volunteered 4 hours this month at UMC's Neuro ICU department

Coming back from winter break, I'm feeling more ready than ever to wrap up this program. All the classes are routine at this point and studying for them poses no issue. As for the new classes, I've been enjoying the flexibility that the endocrine clas offers and the freedom to choose from any topic of interest for the respective presentation is appreciated. The neuro pharm class is also structured similarly, but I do feel as if there are one too many presentations that are expected of us this semester. Additionally, the lack of that environmental pharm class is also unfortunate because it sounded like I would have enjoyed it. Now, the only hurdle that is left standing in the way is that I may not be ready for the end of the semester shelf exam. I'm wondering if there is some resource that can be given to make the preparation process for that test easier.


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